Friday 1 February 2013

how precious life is.

Bad things always happen to good people. 
Only the good die young.

These sayings, phrases are both proven to be more and more relevant each day that I exist on this harsh planet Earth. The passing of one of the greatest teachers at my school this morning, has moved these thoughts further into the forward edges of my mind. He was such a kind, helpful, caring man and although these descriptive words are cliched and over-used, they could not be more accurate in a description of our Mr. Quinn. It takes great selflessness to become a guidance counselor in any high school. The endless hours he was willing to spend listening and helping students with anything they were going through, or just giving them a place to be when it was too hard to be anywhere else. Mr Quinn was simply a great man, and my thoughts and prayers are with his family. These type of things really bring me to realise just how precious life is, and how we should treasure every day and every person we meet, because we never know just how long that person will be around.

And to Mr Quinn I would like to say thank you, on behalf of myself and every other teenager that you helped; encouraged; listened to. Because I am sure that you would not have been thanked half as much as you should have been.

Rest In Peace.