Thursday 30 October 2014

14 things I wish I learnt in high school-

Never quit a definite job for a maybe job.
Even if your current job is shit. Even if the maybe job is your dream job. Unless you have a really good back up plan (like $5000 in the bank), don’t do it.

On the day the OP results come out, about 50 000 people are going to ask you what you got.
And then a few weeks later that one aunt who’s really behind with everything will ask you what you got. And then you’ll probably never be asked again.

Don’t be too proud about things like doing your taxes.
If you don’t 100% understand how to do it, pay a guy. Because if you do it wrong, you get in shit.

The boy you’re in love with when you’re 17, probably won’t be the boy you’re in love with when you’re 18.

It’s not the end of the world if you don’t go straight to uni.
My apologies to every high school teacher ever, but there are other ways to get into your dream industry. Also there’s nothing wrong with taking a gap year to decide what you really want.

Popularity literally means nothing outside of high school.
Seriously, you can’t put “has 1587 friends on Facebook” on a resume.

Don’t move out of home straight away unless you absolutely HAVE to.
Take some time. Get your shit sorted. Even if it takes a few years. You might have a little less freedom, but you’ll have a lot more food.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with working in fast food to get you through uni.
Let’s be honest: it’s decent pay, flexible hours and a shit easy job. Don’t be ashamed. Rep that maccas uniform, gurl.

Make sure if you’re moving in with friends as roommates, you know their living habits.
Are they a neat freak or a lazy cleaner? Are they good at budgeting and paying their bills on time? Which way do they put the toilet paper on the holder? Do they squeeze the toothpaste from the top or the bottom?

After about 12 months, you will probably have lost contact with 90% of the people you have been friends with for 5 years.
It just happens. You grow apart. You make new friends. No big deal, promise.

Boys are still dumb.
You will learn to forgive them and accept that their brains mature slower.

There will be drama everywhere you go.
It’s not just something you can escape. Soz.

You cannot plan out any certain time span of your life perfectly.
Unexpected things will happen to you every five minutes. Don’t stress. Just roll with the punches.

Life is not like high school.
Full stop. Exclamation point. Semi-colon;

Thursday 7 August 2014


The problem with the world we live in is that the words "body image" are usually preluded by the word "distorted". Because a positive body image isn't interesting. Nobody wants to hear that you're happy with your body. And nobody is trying to make you feel like you should be. And let's be honest - if I started talking about how much I love my body, you'd stop reading this straight away.

Distorted body image doesn't just appear in people's minds. You don't become unhappy with your body because of your own opinion of it. You become unhappy with your body because you are told to be. And our parents and our teachers try to act like that's not the case - I don't know why my child has low self esteem, doctor. 
"Well she appears to have a distorted body image for starters."

By definition, distorted body image is "a brain condition where the person is unable to see himself or herself accurately in the mirror and perceives features and body size as distorted."


Distorted body image is my grandmother giving me a larger serving of ice cream than she gave my siblings, because she felt the need to try and 'fatten me up'. 
It's my little sister being told she can't have piggy backs anymore because she was too big. 
It's my brother who was forever over-looked because of his height. 
Distorted body image is the Mika song that topped the charts when I was ten, reminding me every time I turned on the radio that boys only liked bigger girls. 
And it's my friends at the school disco who said I couldn't sing along and dance to the song with them because I was too skinny. 
Distorted body image is the girl in grade 5 who got teased for having big boobs and the girl who's nickname was "big bum". 
It's the boy in grade 6 who was brought to tears by his classmates because he was so tiny. 
It's when I was 12 and wore a bikini for the first time and my first boyfriend saying it was weird that my hipbones stuck out so much. 
Distorted body image is my grade 8 health teacher who made us calculate and compare our BMI's in front of the whole class
It's my fitness-obsessed aunt who told me when I was 13 that if I lost a few inches around my thighs, I would make the perfect model. 
Distorted body image is when I went through a growth spurt and was told I shouldn't eat so much because I'll start putting on weight. 
It's when I was 14 and my best friend said I should start wearing push up bra's so I could get a boyfriend. 
It's the first boy who I ever let touch me saying I was 'really boney'. 
It's the girl who couldn't hang out with me after grade 10 because being around me made her feel fat. 
It's when I was 16 and wanted to get fit, and I was told I shouldn't exercise or eat healthy because I didn't need to loose weight. 
It's getting told my ass is my best asset because of how big it is. 
It's my best friend in the entire world, who even after losing so much weight, can't come to terms with the fact that her body is perfect, no matter how many times I tell her. 
It's the girls who like six packs and huge biceps and the boys who like double D's and flat stomachs. 
It's a girls first insult in a cat fight - "you're fat".
It's the fact that you can say "only dogs like bones" and it's funny. 
It's the most incredible, perfect boy in the world thinking he needs muscles to be attractive. 

It's not teenagers' self esteem that's the problem. It's the ideas the rest of the world has been putting in their heads their whole lives. 

Saturday 19 April 2014

pinky promise.

Love. Love is probably the most difficult thing in the world to describe. And I haven’t had much experience with it in my short lifetime, so maybe I’m not the best source for this kind of topical writing piece. But, in the end, it’s just hard. Sometimes in order to show someone, just how much you love them, you have to hurt them. It’s unavoidable. Inevitable. Sometimes you meet the person that you’re meant to be with, before you’re ready to be with them. But just because it doesn’t work now, doesn’t mean it never will. They say if you love something, you should let it go. If it comes back, it’s yours. If it doesn’t, it never was.

Sometimes you need to let go to figure out how to hold on. You have to know who you are before you can truly know someone else. You have to want to be with yourself forever before you can be with the person you love forever. And I know that’s not hard for most people – but for some, it is. For some, it’s an endless debate between being with the person you love most in the whole world, and not being with anyone, even yourself.

There’s only so much you can take, even from the person you love. The last thing you want to do is hurt them, but sometimes you have to do what’s best for yourself. You can’t always put the one you love above yourself, even if you want to. Even if the only thing you want in the world is to make them happy, sometimes you just simply can’t. Sometimes it’s too difficult. All you can hope, with a lost love, is that someday, at the right time, it will come back stronger than ever.

This is absolutely 100% the hardest thing I have ever had to do, and every bone in my body is telling me to take it back. But I can’t. All I can do is hope that one day, it will all be better. But in the meantime, there are a lot of things that both you and I know we need to work on.

I love you darling. Now, and always. Pinky promise. 
