Tuesday 19 November 2013

clique and cheesy.

So, school is now a thing of the past for me. No more seven am wake ups and midnight study sessions and all the other crappy parts of high school. Don’t get me wrong – it’s not all bad. You have friendships and make memories that you will cherish for life. You definitely learn a thing or two that’s worthwhile. And perhaps I will miss certain aspects of the high school life, and yes, I did cry during the graduation ceremony.

Some people enjoy every moment of high school to the point where they don’t know what to do with themselves when they leave; and some say it is the best five years of your life. I however, beg to differ. High school has been pretty crap for me, as it is for a lot of people.

I have had to go through and put up with a lot of absolute bullshit throughout my high school career. So much so that it has landed me in a mental hospital once this year; and several different shrink and doctors offices in the past two years. And I am not ashamed of that, because its a part of who I am. Everybody goes through difficult times, especially in the adolescent years because we are still learning about the world, about ourselves.

I guess my point is that high school can be an incredible, fun, magical, fantastic time for a lot of people, but if it’s not, it’s okay. You will and you can get through anything, because you are a strong individual with the potential to accomplish whatever it is that you want to. You are smart, no matter what your last English assessment said. You are talented, despite the nasty judgmental looks from that girl in your art class. You can achieve whatever you want to, no matter what anyone says. The only person who needs to have faith in you is you. The only person who needs to 100% believe in you is you. You can do anything that you set your mind to – and that is one of the most clique and cheesy things I have ever said; however also one of the truest.
You want to be an actor? You go out there and you audition for everything. You want to be a scientist? Study to your little hearts content. You want to be a painter? Paint until your hand gets sore my friend. I believe in you. If you are reading this right now – I believe in you. I have faith that you will be whatever it is that you want to be. I know that you will one day be great.

In the wise words of Suli Breaks: ‘I will NOT let an exam result decide my fate.'

And in the wise words of me: 'Peace out motherfuckers; you will not be missed.'

Ex'oh school, glad I never have to see you again.

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