Monday 21 January 2013

cherish your youth

I am so sick to death of 12-14 year olds who try to act like they're 20 years old. I act younger than them sometimes, it's absolutely ridiculous. When I was twelve my shorts came to my knees and it didn't even occur to me that cropped shirts existed. So why are they in such a big rush to grow up? The world isn't that great, from what little of it I've seen. But no, you all want your iPhones and your boyfriends and your stripper heals with the little black dresses. To be perfectly honest, it doesn't make you look seventeen. It makes you look like a try-hard twelve year old.

And I mean, if that's how they want to act; dress; speak, then one insignificant blog post isn't going to stop them from doing it. I just wait for the day when they ACTUALLY have to start growing up, and they realise it's nothing like they were pretending to do five years ago. Growing up isn't about going to parties and getting drunk and having sex and wearing less clothes. Growing up is about moving on; accepting yourself; taking responsibility; making decisions. Even I'm not ready to do that yet, so I doubt any uninformed grade eight kid could handle it either.

It's okay to act immature and stupid sometimes. Laugh too loud. Dance in the rain. Sing at the top of your lungs even if you suck. Stop caring what you look like. Make believe. Paint your nails ugly colours. Have spontaneous water fights. Tell people how you really feel. Throw paint at a piece of canvas and call it art. Go to school one day without wearing make-up. Forget about boys for a while. Eat chocolate with your best friend at two in the morning. Run around a crowded shopping center for no reason. Cherish your youth - one day you won't have it anymore.

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