Tuesday 29 January 2013

nobody is going to care.

High school - a bunch of hormonal adolescents forced together by the government to become knowledgeable, however is more often than not used as a social event. The crazy five years of our lives where we fall in love with a new person quicker than we buy new shoes, do stupid things that we regret later, become addicted to different forms of social networking, obtain a lot of different friends and lose just as many, have fights, get grounded, text too much, don't sleep enough and all with the excuse that "we are young". YOLO, maybe. Every day we go through the same routine, which is then repeated over and over again with only minor changes to keep us interested, and minor breaks in this cycle called 'holidays'. We go throw drama, bitch fights, judgement, bad decisions, backstabbers, heartbreak until we get completely and utterly sick of it, reach a certain age and graduate, then spend a few weeks talking about how much we're going to miss it. That's high school, right?

Some people, however, deal with it better than others. Some people have more than their fair share of heartbreaks and heartache. Some have more family troubles than others, some think their family is bad when it actually isn't. Some people have to deal with being completely alone from grade eight through to grade twelve, are teased and made fun of for things that they cannot nor will ever be able to change. For some people, high school is the best five years of their lives, and everything is perfect, they're loved by everyone, get wonderful grades and have no hesitation to rub that in the faces of those who don't. Some go through trauma, some develop depression; anxiety; eating disorders. Some feel the need to judge every single person they come across regardless of whether or not they are actually a good person themselves.

There is one thing, however, that every single one of us forgets for at least one period of time during those five years, whether it be forgotten for a minute, a month, a year, or four. And as my baby sister enters into the harsh life of adolescents tomorrow, I remind her of it. That is, that as important as it seems now, your friends, enemies, your social status, the amount of teachers that like you and even your grades, are not going to matter for one second once you finally step out the gates of your school for the last time in grade twelve. Nobody in the real world is going to care how popular or not you were in high school. Nobody is going to care how loved you were, nobody is going to care how hated you were, nobody is going to care how many boyfriends you had. Your high school social status is just that - for HIGH SCHOOL. And maybe in ten years time when you have a class reunion, it will once again be relevant. But until then, you lovely people who beat yourselves up every day trying to fit in, be some perfect kid to make everyone like you, you are wasting your time. Be happy, have fun, lighten up! High school doesn't last forever, and thank goodness for that.

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