Friday 8 March 2013

counting down the days.

I have been neglecting my blog. I'm sorry blog, I love you :'( please forgive me.

Let me just take a second to talk about the self-esteem ruining hellhole that is Lockyer District High School. Honestly, I am so sick of that place I am legitimately counting down the days until graduation. Freedom. I look forward to the days when I no longer have to witness pathetic-twelvie arguments. When I am no longer forced to sit in smelly classrooms with twenty-odd people that I don't like for six hours a day, five days a week. No longer will the pressure of doing work that is good enough crush my creative brain cells and force me into tears every night. Never again will I be required to put on that horrid, unflattering yellow uniform. I will wear whatever coloured socks I feel like putting on in the morning, and as much jewelry as can cover my wrists. Because Caitlin likes individuality, and individuality cannot be achieved through dull school uniforms that have been the same for years. 

And although I have gotten past the stage of my life where I worry about what every single person I see thinks of me, I have come to a point where I really don't know why I am even in school anymore. My favourite day will be the day when teachers, principals, guidance officers, stop pretending like it's the end of the world if you don't do well in high school. Sure, if you don't get the OP you need, you won't get in to the uni course you want but you know what? There are plenty of adults who are clearly well past the age of being fresh out of high school and studying in uni or tafe. So really, shove your pressure to be perfect in someone else's face, I know better.

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