Monday 11 March 2013

exactly what you say.

I don't care how much you hate a person, how much they annoy you, how much you disagree with their beliefs, or they way they look act or talk, no human being on this planet or otherwise deserves to be told that they should die. You never know what a person could be battling inside their own head. Your words, no matter what context they are said in, could be the trigger to someone's brain. Someone who has a family, and friends, a life, a job. A human being, just like yourself. Life is so precious and can end so quickly, we should never be taking it for granted. Whether it be the simple "go die" or a more creative and disturbing description of how one might do so, you can impact a person's self-esteem to a point where they might just do exactly what you say. And that's not really what you want, is it? You don't REALLY want this person to die. You just don't like them. And that's fine, but the phrase is thrown around too easily and without thought, and quite frankly I am sick of seeing it. 

Because there are some people, who sometimes, the legitimate feeling of wanting to die is so overwhelming that it can hardly be fought off. It can completely take over your mind and body to the point where seeing anything, absolutely anything at all that is even slightly insulting can push you off the edge. Not to mention actually having someone reinforce the thought in your mind that you are not in fact needed, or important to this earth. And honestly, think to yourself - how would you feel if your words, and your words alone, whether they be spoken out loud or typed behind a computer screen, were the cause of the death of another human being. That's pretty much murder. 

Think twice before you open your stupid fucking mouth, asshole.

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